After the long hours last week as we crunched to complete our prototype on time, this week has mostly been a time for rest. As mentioned in my blog last week, our mentors from Snowed In Studios suggested we continue prototyping the most complex section of our game as we could then have time to make any changes we needed for the completed version. Our most complex section is the final boss twin-stick shooter as it requires the most functionality of any of our minigames. Took the long weekend as a rest point to recharge all our batteries and regrouped Tuesday to plan out the next week. We used the Technical Design Document I made for the final boss as a template for the number of tasks we needed to complete. Overall, we had 32 tasks that we needed to add to Jira to be handed out to specific team members.
Val took all the art assets creation tasks as well as implementing a health bar for Isarr (the bad guy)
Mark took the task of creating the Isarr class as well as the Minion class
Sean took all the AI-based tasks such as implementing the Finite State Machine
Steve took the task of creating the game manager and writing the dialogue for the Isarr-Graey encounter
I grabbed the task of creating the Pickup spawn class, the power classes and implementing the shooting mechanic
I started by taking all of Val's lovely art for the pickups and putting them in unity with the animations.
The top row is the pickups the player will have to physically walk to them to gain the respective power-up during combat. The bottom row is the projectiles that the player shoots out. From left to right we have the electricity power, the fire power and the water power.
Once I got the powerups to appear correctly in the scene I worked on the simple task of getting pickup orbs to spawn at specific locations and getting the player to collect the pickups when they walk into them. I also set a 20-second timer for pickups to respawn randomly after the player “picks them up”.
Then I needed to create the projectile firing from the player. This part was challenging as I wasn’t sure which direction to go with it. For the prototype, I decided to focus on using the mouse cursor as the point of reference to where the projectile needs to be instantiated from. Currently, Val created an animation for the player firing a spell but I decided to focus on creating the projectile and moving it across the screen for now.
I followed this tutorial,, at first but only ended up keeping the cursor tracking function as well as the function to correct the sprite angle once it is fired. To actually switch powers after picking up an orb was slightly more challenging than I thought it would be. I used two past class projects as examples, BobbleHead Wars and RobotRampage, and ended up merging some of their code while also creating my own. Below you’ll see the product I have so far. I’ve slowed down the movement of the projectile for this GIF so you can better see the animation of the projectiles. It is far from perfect and is not at the state I would like it to be in right now. Unfortunately, I ran out of time before I had to complete this devlog so next week's product should look much better. Until then!